Monday, January 3, 2011

We Work In Groups A Lot

Today in class we worked on some questions. We split the room into halfs and worked together. We will be working on this for the next week or so. I am in the South Korea group. Also, Mr. Shick said he would be putting our grades on soon. He was working on it yesterday and his computer crashed. He has 2 weeks to put them up so it is okay.

1. The offical name of South Korea is the Republic of Korea.

2. The people that are the head of South Korea are chief executive of the government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the head of state of the Republic of Korea. President Lee Myung-bak. He was elected on February 25, 2008. He was the CEO of a big engineering company and used to be the mayor of Seoul, South Korea.


5. The Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

6. The 38th parallel was first suggested as a dividing line for Korea in 1896. The 38th parallel north has been especially important in the recent history of Korea.(     

7. The relations between North and South Korea are the political, diplomatic, and military interactions.

10. Seoul

11. South Korea does have an army, but it is not as good as North Korea’s. There are some American soldiers/armies posted there in South Korea.

12. South Korea does not strongly rely on nuclear weapons like the North Koreans do.

13. Untied States.

18. During the Korean War, the United States aided South Korea and have become close allies. So South Korea has positive feelings towards Untied States.

19. Compared to North Korea, South Korea’s economy is way better. Overall South Korea is in a decent condition and is thriving at a steady pace. But right now, South Korea is being threatened by North Korea and is in danger.

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