Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh No!

Today in class we talked about our test. We will be having our test on Wednsday.
Kim il Song was the rebell leader of North Korea. He invaded South Korea thinking it would be made into one big Korea. South Fights back and no one wins. They never really ended the war. It was a waste of money. Knew leader is kim jong il
Russia, Soviets= North Korea: Gov. Communist Rule= CALLED the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
U.S=South: Gov. Democracy= CALLED Republic of Korea.
DMZ= At the 38th Paralle
South Korea borders- North Korea
 North Korea borders- South Korea & Alittle Russia
The 38th Parallel its where north & south korea is split in half. After world war two In 1945 was when the 38th parallel was formed. In 1896 was when they were talking about spliting at the 38th parallel.
DMZ- Demilitarized Zone.
On the North of the DMZ the buildings are nice looking so people think its nice to live.
In the South they have a flag pole & a speaker to tell the north that the south is better
North has the tallest flag pole.
South Korea has a better economy because they they have a free market economy. They trade with others. They are thriving because of their high techs like electronics& companies like samsung(based in south korea) ect. Their economy is probably better then the U.S
North Korea economy is bad because they have no one to trade with.
South & U.S help SOUTH
China & Russia help NORTH
Euna Lee & Laura Ling are Journalists that were captured.

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa, I just wanted to make one final comment: you write some absolutely sensational blogs! These are some of the best, most insightful observations of any student I have ever had.

    Thanks for all your hard work and good humor in this class. Keep up the great work!
