Friday, January 14, 2011

End of The Semester!

Today was our last class all together. This was my favorite class! Christy brought in some cookies from Korea! They tasted so good just like a ice cream cone or a fortune cookie. We talked about our exam coming up. Im pretty nervous for the test. Over the weekend i am going to study A LOT!
- Popilation: RNI, TFR, Net Migration Rate,
- population phrymid
- middle east: iraq, Iran, Isreale, Egypt, Sadui Arabia.
- 3 main religions : Christianity, Judism, islam
- 9-11 events
- Sudan, Kenya
- IDP: International displaced person.
- Lost boys, John Bul Doh
- Coffee
- Ecomonics
- India, Mumbia, Bombay, Bollywood
- Korea: South, North. Pyongyong, Seoul.
- Study TESTS

- 100 Multipy Choice
- 10 short answers (2sentences)
- 1 essay (5paras)

Questions from Korea Test
- DMZ: on the 38th parallel & demilitarized zone
- North:
- Lead of North: Kim Jong Il
- Lead of South:
- North: Dictator Rule
- South: Demicraticly Elected President Rule
- Prapaganda: Printing Statistics of Unemployment of Korea is NOT PRAPAGANDA!
- Juche: A philosephy of relianace. They do their own thing.  (ISOLATION)
- Cult of Personality:
- Camp 22: A prison for north koreans who are not loyal enough to the state.
- Lisa Ling:

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