Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today in class we worked on our questions. Cole is back so we have another person in our group, but Kamau came late. We are trying to work harder this time so we can get our work done. We went over a few questions that we had. Mr. Schick said we will be having a test next week on this information. We had to take some notes too.

- Germany lost World War 2
- Japan bombed us at Pearl Harbor
- America & Soviet Union won World War 2
- ^ They were running Japan.
- U.S runs the south
- Soviet Union runs the north
- Korea split to decide who would be in charge of each side.
- North Korea runs themselves with an "iron fist"
- 1945 was when the war was ended
- US dropped 2 bombs on Japan
- When the war was over the US& Soviet were on opposite teams/side
- US has been the only country that actually used a nuclear bomb on another country
- Cold War was when no weapons were used
- The communist told North Korea to invade South Korea
- The communists (russians?) provided North Korea with weapons & the US provided South Korea with weapons
- In the 1950 Russia was the first to get their satilite into earth's orbit
- NORTH= Soviet Union
- SOUTH= United States
- When the Korean war "ended" they signed a ceased fire. They never offically ended the war. We have been in this for 60 years. They didn't really fix anything, they just stopped firing at each other & fighting each other.
- North Korea has no freedom, ruled by a dictator, been brain washed, praise their leader constatly (kim jong-ill)
- Cult of Personality- arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
- DMZ= Demilitarized Military Zone

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