Sunday, December 5, 2010

What India Faces

             In India there are major problems such as forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. They force men, women, and children into doing certain things. India has been on the Tier 2 watch for five years in a row. They have failed to show evidence that they are trying to end human trafficking. Human trafficking is the practice of slavery in our world today. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Billions of dollars are made each year from human trafficking. Mostly the women and girls are used for commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage. The children are usually used for forced labor as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers. It is founded that around 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficking each year in just the United States.  Annually around 200,000 American children are highly at risk for trafficking in the sex industry. Bombay is Asia’s largest sex-trade center. India has around 1.3 million children that work in sex-trade centers. They take the children from very poor areas and use them. In India there are about 10 million prostitutes. It was found that 2.5% of prostitutes that are in India are Nepalese and 2.7% are Bangladeshi. 20% of the women that prostitute are under the age of 18. Almost 200 women and young girls start prostituting each and every day. 80% of those girls are forced into doing it. It is terrible that 95% of the children that are born from a prostitute will become prostitutes themselves. This will only increase the amount of people trafficking. This issue continues to just get worse and worse. To make things worse 60% of prostituted women are infected with STDs and AIDS. That means that they are spreading and catching different diseases.

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