Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Watching More

Today in class we talked about the questions we needed to answer for homework. We all found information to a few questions and added to out answers. We then continued watching the movie. At first Mr. Schick couldn't get the sound to work, but finally it worked. We had to get Andrew caught up because he missed class. So we shared with him what was happening in the movie. We saw that Jamals mother was killed in a riot. Him and his brother were all on their own.

Bombay Riots: (4 facts)
- They are riots in Mumbai. In December 1992 and January 1993 about 900 people died.
- After that on 12 March 1993 Bombay Bombings, perpetuated by underworld elements with alleged help of ganglord Dawood Ibrahim and his D-Company syndicate, about 250 people died that were mostly Hindus.
- An estimated 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus died and 2,000 people were injured in the riots and 250 people mostly Hindus died in the blasts.
- An investigative commission was formed under Justice B.N. Srikrishna, but the recommendations of the Inquiry were not enforced.
- In 2008, several members of the Shiv Sena were indicted for their involvement in the riots.
- The reasons for the riots between the Musliums and Hindus was

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