Monday, December 6, 2010

All I Know About India

The past few weeks I have learned a lot about India. My class has been working to research this country. Also, as a class we have been watching Slumdog Millionaire. From watching the movie, I now know how some Indians live their lives. There is a tropical climate there, but they have monsoons. In India, monsoons have flooded villages, cities, and farmlands. They have caused many deaths among people and animals. Fallen buildings and lost homes are also the negative results caused by these monsoons.
In my research I discovered that India achieved their independence on August 15th, 1947 from the UK. I have found that the current population in India is 1,173,108,018. Compared to the rest of the world they are ranked number 2. The country itself is only 1/3 the size of the United States and the seventh largest country in the world. It is the largest democracy in the world. The total fertility rate is 2.65 children born to a woman. They are ranked number 81 compared to the world.
 The major religion there is Hindu that lies at 80.5% and Muslim is next at 13.4%. In Mumbai, 2 out of 3 people are Hindu and about 1 out of 5 are Muslim. The less major religions are Christian at 2.3%, Sikh at 1.9%, other at 1.8%, and unspecified at 0.1%. They have a literacy rate of 61% in their total population. On average the people that are 15 and over can read and write. The male’s rate is about 73.4% and the women’s is around 47.8%. 

            There is a place called Mumbai in India. It used to be called Bombay, but was renamed Mumbai in 1996. The capital of the state Maharashtra is Mumbai. There they speak three main languages which are Marathi, Hindi and English. Located in India are shanty towns or slums. Dharavi is the biggest shanty town in India. India has gone through different obstacles from attacks to not having food or water. There was an attack on February 13 by some Islamic terrorists. 17 people died when they bombed a restaurant in northern city called Pune. That very same day they were hit with a second attack in New Delhi. A small bakery was bombed leaving 9 dead and another 57 wounded. India also suffers from not having proper water systems. Rivers that have the clean water needed are being polluted.  
The country of India has three major problems. They are human trafficking, forced labor, and commercial sexual exploitation. For five years in a row India has been on the Tier 2 watch. They haven’t been able to show any kind of evidence that they are in the in the process of ending human trafficking. Human trafficking is pretty much the same as slavery. They are forcing men, women, and child to do a variety of jobs or servicing. The children are taking from poor areas around India and forced to do work and services. Young girls and women are forced into things like prostituting or even into marriage. There are around 10 million prostitutes that service in India. The numbers are continuing to grow because most children born from prostitutes go on to do the same as their mother.

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