Friday, December 10, 2010

Brainstorming Questions


1. If the government has so much money to build the biggest mall in India, why can't they supply the proper needs for their people?

2. What should the government do to make sure their buildings are stable?

3. How are they checking the safety of their buildings?

4. Should India's government be sued for countlless injuries or deaths?

5. What is the percent who live in poverty? ALYSSA
- the nation estimated to have a third of the world's poor
- 41% of India falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day

6. How many people in India can read and write? ALYSSA
- definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 61%
male: 73.4%
female: 47.8% (2001 census)
- 60% of India can't read or write
7. How many jobs did the Mall of India supply? ALYSSA
- ? Sorry guys I can't find it.

8. Where is the Mall of India located?
- It will be located on the NH-8 highway right at the Delhi - Gurgaon border, near the existing Ambi Mall.

9. How many parking spaces does the Mall have?
- It will have parking space for 10,000 cars

10. How much did it cost to build the Mall of India?
- $298, 000, 000

11. How man stores are in the Mall of India? CARLY

12. When is the Mall of India due to open? CARLY

13. How many acres will the Mall be located on? CARLY
- It will be spread over 32 acres.

Interesting Facts:

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