Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Party!

Today we had our Christmas party. We had cookies, brownies, Chocolate eclaires, etc. Darryn and Mr.Schick had some kind of a rap off. It was so funny! Mr. Schick also wrote a rap with his daughter and we listened to it. I love my human geo class!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Love My HumGeo Class

Today we circled up again! We started off by talking about how we wanted to get out of school. Then we started to talk about India, but not for long. We started to get off topic, but I had a lot of fun. We talkedtried to include India on what we were talking about though. We listen to some music and it was so funny. Tomorrow should be great! We get to bring in some food and have Christmas party!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Circle Time

Today in class we got into a circle. For part of our grade on this project we have to talk about what we found out about India. The other part of our grade is to turn in the prezi we did with our groups. Tomorrow we are going to circle up again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

India Project

Today in class we worked on our projects. We are in three groups of four. We are going a prezi. Our project is on what we have learned about India! It is due on Wed. Also while in class we got dumb dumbs. They are lollipops. While we were doing our work Mr. Schick put on some Indian music. Also he put on a video of Caitlin and Sarah dancing it was so funny.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Brainstorming Questions


1. If the government has so much money to build the biggest mall in India, why can't they supply the proper needs for their people?

2. What should the government do to make sure their buildings are stable?

3. How are they checking the safety of their buildings?

4. Should India's government be sued for countlless injuries or deaths?

5. What is the percent who live in poverty? ALYSSA
- the nation estimated to have a third of the world's poor
- 41% of India falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day

6. How many people in India can read and write? ALYSSA
- definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 61%
male: 73.4%
female: 47.8% (2001 census)
- 60% of India can't read or write
7. How many jobs did the Mall of India supply? ALYSSA
- ? Sorry guys I can't find it.

8. Where is the Mall of India located?
- It will be located on the NH-8 highway right at the Delhi - Gurgaon border, near the existing Ambi Mall.

9. How many parking spaces does the Mall have?
- It will have parking space for 10,000 cars

10. How much did it cost to build the Mall of India?
- $298, 000, 000

11. How man stores are in the Mall of India? CARLY

12. When is the Mall of India due to open? CARLY

13. How many acres will the Mall be located on? CARLY
- It will be spread over 32 acres.

Interesting Facts:

On To The Next Part

Today Mr.Schick told us he had the best birthday. Yesterday, for him, was an awesome day. People brought him in cupcakes, cards, candy, etc. He went out to dinner, went to the basketball games, and when he got  home a lot of people said happy birthday on facebook. Also, in  class we watched a short video on India. It showed more about how these people live. We watched another after that too. People are living in horrible conditions. They have to live in these dangerous places that are over crowded and can collapse. It is people the most corrupt place. The people try to bribe the police men and certain people. We have to do some work on another project. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today in class it was Mr.Schicks birthday. Christy got called down to the office. We thought she was maybe in trouble, but she came back with cupcakes. It was a great suprise, we were all so happy! I had a vanillia cupcake it was yummy. There were chocolate ones too. We watched movie of the movie today & ate some good cupcakes! We finished the movie! It was great, Latika & Jamal finally got to be together! He also won the game show. He recieved 20 million rupees.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Turning In & Movie

Today in class we went over some things.  Some people had to turn a few things in. Mr. Schick told us who had to turn things in. I was one that had to turn in my coffee paper. It took us a while to do that. We then went on to watch more of the movie. I can't to see the rest of the movie!

Monday, December 6, 2010

All I Know About India

The past few weeks I have learned a lot about India. My class has been working to research this country. Also, as a class we have been watching Slumdog Millionaire. From watching the movie, I now know how some Indians live their lives. There is a tropical climate there, but they have monsoons. In India, monsoons have flooded villages, cities, and farmlands. They have caused many deaths among people and animals. Fallen buildings and lost homes are also the negative results caused by these monsoons.
In my research I discovered that India achieved their independence on August 15th, 1947 from the UK. I have found that the current population in India is 1,173,108,018. Compared to the rest of the world they are ranked number 2. The country itself is only 1/3 the size of the United States and the seventh largest country in the world. It is the largest democracy in the world. The total fertility rate is 2.65 children born to a woman. They are ranked number 81 compared to the world.
 The major religion there is Hindu that lies at 80.5% and Muslim is next at 13.4%. In Mumbai, 2 out of 3 people are Hindu and about 1 out of 5 are Muslim. The less major religions are Christian at 2.3%, Sikh at 1.9%, other at 1.8%, and unspecified at 0.1%. They have a literacy rate of 61% in their total population. On average the people that are 15 and over can read and write. The male’s rate is about 73.4% and the women’s is around 47.8%. 

            There is a place called Mumbai in India. It used to be called Bombay, but was renamed Mumbai in 1996. The capital of the state Maharashtra is Mumbai. There they speak three main languages which are Marathi, Hindi and English. Located in India are shanty towns or slums. Dharavi is the biggest shanty town in India. India has gone through different obstacles from attacks to not having food or water. There was an attack on February 13 by some Islamic terrorists. 17 people died when they bombed a restaurant in northern city called Pune. That very same day they were hit with a second attack in New Delhi. A small bakery was bombed leaving 9 dead and another 57 wounded. India also suffers from not having proper water systems. Rivers that have the clean water needed are being polluted.  
The country of India has three major problems. They are human trafficking, forced labor, and commercial sexual exploitation. For five years in a row India has been on the Tier 2 watch. They haven’t been able to show any kind of evidence that they are in the in the process of ending human trafficking. Human trafficking is pretty much the same as slavery. They are forcing men, women, and child to do a variety of jobs or servicing. The children are taking from poor areas around India and forced to do work and services. Young girls and women are forced into things like prostituting or even into marriage. There are around 10 million prostitutes that service in India. The numbers are continuing to grow because most children born from prostitutes go on to do the same as their mother.

Get Well Soon!

Today in class we had a sub because Mr. Schick was sick. We went up to another teachers classroom and worked on our work. We had to write a 500 word essay. When I saw it I was pretty mad and didn't want to do it, but i found out it wasn't really that hard. Anyways, get better soon Mr. Schick!
My work will be posted after this.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What India Faces

             In India there are major problems such as forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. They force men, women, and children into doing certain things. India has been on the Tier 2 watch for five years in a row. They have failed to show evidence that they are trying to end human trafficking. Human trafficking is the practice of slavery in our world today. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Billions of dollars are made each year from human trafficking. Mostly the women and girls are used for commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage. The children are usually used for forced labor as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers. It is founded that around 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficking each year in just the United States.  Annually around 200,000 American children are highly at risk for trafficking in the sex industry. Bombay is Asia’s largest sex-trade center. India has around 1.3 million children that work in sex-trade centers. They take the children from very poor areas and use them. In India there are about 10 million prostitutes. It was found that 2.5% of prostitutes that are in India are Nepalese and 2.7% are Bangladeshi. 20% of the women that prostitute are under the age of 18. Almost 200 women and young girls start prostituting each and every day. 80% of those girls are forced into doing it. It is terrible that 95% of the children that are born from a prostitute will become prostitutes themselves. This will only increase the amount of people trafficking. This issue continues to just get worse and worse. To make things worse 60% of prostituted women are infected with STDs and AIDS. That means that they are spreading and catching different diseases.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I Love Watching Movies

Today in class we started off by talking about some of the questions we did last night. We talked about the Indian film industry and the U.S industry.  Some people shared their findings with the class. We also found out that Mr. Schick is in school just like us. It is hard for him to make time too. Anyways, the class watched more of the movie. We talked about how Jamal was a chia wallah. -> I love that picture. It happened in the beginning of the movie.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

More of the Movie

Today in class we disscussed our questions we had to do for homework. We had to look up what a bombay riot was. Everyone said soem of their 4 facts. We continued the movie and saw what else what was happening. In the movie there was a very horrible sene. Mr.Schick allowed people to leave the room. I stayed and watched the evil things the men did to the children.

1. Compare the motion picture industry in India and the United States
- The United States has the oldest film industry (and largest in terms of revenue), and Los Angeles (California), is the primary nexus of the U.S. film industry. The Indian film industry is multi-lingual and the largest in the world in terms of ticket sales and number of films produced. The industry is supported mainly by a vast film-going Indian public, and Indian films have been gaining increasing popularity in the rest of the world—notably in countries with large numbers of expatriate Indians. One third of the Indian film industry is mostly concentrated in Mumbai (Bombay), and is commonly referred to as "Bollywood" as an amalgamation of Bombay and Hollywood. The remaining majority portion is spread across North, West and South India (in Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, oriya, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu speaking areas). India makes 3 times as many as the U.S. The U.S makes like 600. Yet U.S is number one in sales. They get more money than India.

2. What are the names of the three main characters (the "three musketeers") in Slumdog Millionaire?
-The three main characters were Jamal, Salim, and Latika

3. What is a "chai wallah"?
-Chai is simply the Hindi word for tea. A chai wallah is a person who provides tea, either by selling or bringing it. This is Jamal's position in the call center where he works when he appears on the game show.

4. Tell us five things we must know about the Taj Mahal. Inculde a fantastic photo.
-Year of Construction: 1631
Completed In: 1653
Time Taken: 22 years
Built By: Shah Jahan
Dedicated to: Mumtaz Mahal (Arjumand Bano Begum), the wife of Shah Jahan
Location: Agra (Uttar Pradesh)
Building Type: Islamic tomb
Architecture: Islamic

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Watching More

Today in class we talked about the questions we needed to answer for homework. We all found information to a few questions and added to out answers. We then continued watching the movie. At first Mr. Schick couldn't get the sound to work, but finally it worked. We had to get Andrew caught up because he missed class. So we shared with him what was happening in the movie. We saw that Jamals mother was killed in a riot. Him and his brother were all on their own.

Bombay Riots: (4 facts)
- They are riots in Mumbai. In December 1992 and January 1993 about 900 people died.
- After that on 12 March 1993 Bombay Bombings, perpetuated by underworld elements with alleged help of ganglord Dawood Ibrahim and his D-Company syndicate, about 250 people died that were mostly Hindus.
- An estimated 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus died and 2,000 people were injured in the riots and 250 people mostly Hindus died in the blasts.
- An investigative commission was formed under Justice B.N. Srikrishna, but the recommendations of the Inquiry were not enforced.
- In 2008, several members of the Shiv Sena were indicted for their involvement in the riots.
- The reasons for the riots between the Musliums and Hindus was