Friday, January 14, 2011

End of The Semester!

Today was our last class all together. This was my favorite class! Christy brought in some cookies from Korea! They tasted so good just like a ice cream cone or a fortune cookie. We talked about our exam coming up. Im pretty nervous for the test. Over the weekend i am going to study A LOT!
- Popilation: RNI, TFR, Net Migration Rate,
- population phrymid
- middle east: iraq, Iran, Isreale, Egypt, Sadui Arabia.
- 3 main religions : Christianity, Judism, islam
- 9-11 events
- Sudan, Kenya
- IDP: International displaced person.
- Lost boys, John Bul Doh
- Coffee
- Ecomonics
- India, Mumbia, Bombay, Bollywood
- Korea: South, North. Pyongyong, Seoul.
- Study TESTS

- 100 Multipy Choice
- 10 short answers (2sentences)
- 1 essay (5paras)

Questions from Korea Test
- DMZ: on the 38th parallel & demilitarized zone
- North:
- Lead of North: Kim Jong Il
- Lead of South:
- North: Dictator Rule
- South: Demicraticly Elected President Rule
- Prapaganda: Printing Statistics of Unemployment of Korea is NOT PRAPAGANDA!
- Juche: A philosephy of relianace. They do their own thing.  (ISOLATION)
- Cult of Personality:
- Camp 22: A prison for north koreans who are not loyal enough to the state.
- Lisa Ling:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh No!

Today in class we talked about our test. We will be having our test on Wednsday.
Kim il Song was the rebell leader of North Korea. He invaded South Korea thinking it would be made into one big Korea. South Fights back and no one wins. They never really ended the war. It was a waste of money. Knew leader is kim jong il
Russia, Soviets= North Korea: Gov. Communist Rule= CALLED the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
U.S=South: Gov. Democracy= CALLED Republic of Korea.
DMZ= At the 38th Paralle
South Korea borders- North Korea
 North Korea borders- South Korea & Alittle Russia
The 38th Parallel its where north & south korea is split in half. After world war two In 1945 was when the 38th parallel was formed. In 1896 was when they were talking about spliting at the 38th parallel.
DMZ- Demilitarized Zone.
On the North of the DMZ the buildings are nice looking so people think its nice to live.
In the South they have a flag pole & a speaker to tell the north that the south is better
North has the tallest flag pole.
South Korea has a better economy because they they have a free market economy. They trade with others. They are thriving because of their high techs like electronics& companies like samsung(based in south korea) ect. Their economy is probably better then the U.S
North Korea economy is bad because they have no one to trade with.
South & U.S help SOUTH
China & Russia help NORTH
Euna Lee & Laura Ling are Journalists that were captured.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Korean Movie

In the beginning of class we just talked about the snow. We all wished we didn't have school or at least have a delay. Today we watched more of the movie. Its so crazy how they are treated. The North Koreans have no freedom what so ever. The people there seem very brain washed. They belive they have the greatest leader and they honor him. They see no wrong in Kim Jong il. They worship all his pictures. North Korea is very secretive.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today in class we broke into our two groups. For homework yesterday we were suposed to work on some of our questions. In class we talked about our questions. Soon we will have to do some more work with our questions. We will probably do a perzi. We also took some notes ! We also watched a movie!

Top armies
1. Afganistan
2. Albania
3. Algeria
4. Angola
5. Antigua and Barbuda
6. Argentina
7. Armenia
8&9. Australia
10. Austria

- North Korea is the most isolated country.
- They worship their leader.
- Nothing is shown on the North Korea part of the map.
- The leader is a dictator. He acts like God.
- They have no freedoms. (North)
- "Hermet Kingdom" known as.(North)
- Pyong yang is where the people in the videa  went. They had to secretly take cameras into the country. There were pictures of the leader everyone. They took their phones away. They were coming to help the blind. The doctor had 10 days to be there.
- North= horrible buildings, blah.
- South= better buildings and places
-4 million died in the korean war.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today in class we worked on our questions. Cole is back so we have another person in our group, but Kamau came late. We are trying to work harder this time so we can get our work done. We went over a few questions that we had. Mr. Schick said we will be having a test next week on this information. We had to take some notes too.

- Germany lost World War 2
- Japan bombed us at Pearl Harbor
- America & Soviet Union won World War 2
- ^ They were running Japan.
- U.S runs the south
- Soviet Union runs the north
- Korea split to decide who would be in charge of each side.
- North Korea runs themselves with an "iron fist"
- 1945 was when the war was ended
- US dropped 2 bombs on Japan
- When the war was over the US& Soviet were on opposite teams/side
- US has been the only country that actually used a nuclear bomb on another country
- Cold War was when no weapons were used
- The communist told North Korea to invade South Korea
- The communists (russians?) provided North Korea with weapons & the US provided South Korea with weapons
- In the 1950 Russia was the first to get their satilite into earth's orbit
- NORTH= Soviet Union
- SOUTH= United States
- When the Korean war "ended" they signed a ceased fire. They never offically ended the war. We have been in this for 60 years. They didn't really fix anything, they just stopped firing at each other & fighting each other.
- North Korea has no freedom, ruled by a dictator, been brain washed, praise their leader constatly (kim jong-ill)
- Cult of Personality- arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
- DMZ= Demilitarized Military Zone

Monday, January 3, 2011

We Work In Groups A Lot

Today in class we worked on some questions. We split the room into halfs and worked together. We will be working on this for the next week or so. I am in the South Korea group. Also, Mr. Shick said he would be putting our grades on soon. He was working on it yesterday and his computer crashed. He has 2 weeks to put them up so it is okay.

1. The offical name of South Korea is the Republic of Korea.

2. The people that are the head of South Korea are chief executive of the government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the head of state of the Republic of Korea. President Lee Myung-bak. He was elected on February 25, 2008. He was the CEO of a big engineering company and used to be the mayor of Seoul, South Korea.


5. The Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

6. The 38th parallel was first suggested as a dividing line for Korea in 1896. The 38th parallel north has been especially important in the recent history of Korea.(     

7. The relations between North and South Korea are the political, diplomatic, and military interactions.

10. Seoul

11. South Korea does have an army, but it is not as good as North Korea’s. There are some American soldiers/armies posted there in South Korea.

12. South Korea does not strongly rely on nuclear weapons like the North Koreans do.

13. Untied States.

18. During the Korean War, the United States aided South Korea and have become close allies. So South Korea has positive feelings towards Untied States.

19. Compared to North Korea, South Korea’s economy is way better. Overall South Korea is in a decent condition and is thriving at a steady pace. But right now, South Korea is being threatened by North Korea and is in danger.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Party!

Today we had our Christmas party. We had cookies, brownies, Chocolate eclaires, etc. Darryn and Mr.Schick had some kind of a rap off. It was so funny! Mr. Schick also wrote a rap with his daughter and we listened to it. I love my human geo class!