Monday, November 8, 2010

Next Unit & Video on Like.. Ya Know?

Today we watched a video on how people seem to just ask questions. They don't state what their saying. Now we are moving on to our next unit on Latin America. We started off today by talking about coffee. We also had to take notes.

Coffee is the most heavily traded crop in the world.
African places grow coffee too.
U.S is the biggest consumer of it.

1. Agricultural Commodity- crop
2. Fair Trade Coffee-  is coffee which is purchased directly from the growers for a higher price than standard coffee
3. Organic Coffee- is coffee that has been grown according to organic farming standards and techniques, without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides
4. Trade- is the voluntary, often asymmetric, exchange of goods, services, or money
5. Crop- It is a field of growing fruits and veggies. Farmers used to grow crops to eat food.
6. Specality Coffee-term is used to describe beans of the best flavor which are produced in special microclimates.
7. Sustain Ability-
8. Froth- Or foam, it describles milk that has been rendered thick and faomy by aeration with hot steam.

1. Where is coffee grown? (Hawii)(U.S is the biggest consumer of it).
- It is grown in places such as Africa, Arabia, South America and Southern Asia.
2. What weather can you grow coffee in?
- It is grown in hot climate,in the tropics, places with rainfall and nearly year round sunlight.
3. How is coffee produced?
- Coffee is grown on a coffee cherry which are trees. They are grown on trees like little cherries. They are hand picked from the tree. They are observed and tasted. They then let them lay out to dry.
its grow to the market place?
4. Who are the biggest producers of coffee?
- Brazil is the biggest producer of coffee and Colombia is second biggest.
5. How much is Starbucks worth?
- Starbucks is worth about $25 million.
6. How is coffee processed and roasted?
-After the beans dry out they are ready to be roasted. Roasting is a two step process. You will actually here a pop and then another pop.
 7. Who are the top exporters of coffee?
- The top exporters of coffee are Brazil, Germany, Colombia, Vietnam, Guatemala, Indonesia and Mexico
8. How many beans are in one cup of coffee?
- 42 beans in one cup of coffee
9. How much caferine is in a cup of coffee?
-  90-150 mg
10. How long does packed, blended coffee stay fresh?
- It will not be as good if you get it and let it sit for a month. You should get it close to when you are ready to use it.

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