Wednesday, November 24, 2010

All About India

  1. What is the current population of India? The current population is 1,173,108,018. Compared to the world they are ranked #2.
  2. What is the total fertility rate in India? The total fertility rate is 2.65 children born/woman. Compared to the world they are ranked #81.
  3. What percentage of the Indian population lives below the poverty line? 12% percent of India’s population lives below the poverty line. (
  4. Briefly describe two terrorist attacks inside India. On February 13, India was attacked by Islamic terrorists.  The bombed a resturaunt in the northern city of Pune, killing 17 people.  ON the same day, New Delhi was attacked.  Terrorists bombed a small bakery, 9 people were killed and 57 were wounded. (
  5. The Human Development Report of the United Nations ranks the counties of the world by poverty.  Where does India rank on this list? India ranks 119th of 169 countries on the list. (
  6. Briefly describe the effects of the monsoons on India. In India, monsoons have flooded villages, cities, and farmlands, causing many deaths among people and animals. Fallen buildings and lost homes are also the negative results caused by these monsoons. (
  7. What are some of the problems India has getting clean water to its people? India lacks basic water systems and sewage disposals, which is the reason why pollution and Methane Gas are contaminating rivers that used to provide clean water. . (
  8. What is the literacy rate in India? The literacy rate in the total population is 61%. Age 15 and over can read and write. For males the rate is 73.4% & women its 47.8% (2001 census) (
  9. What are the major religions in India? The major religion is Hindu at 80.5%. Muslim is the next highest at 13.4%. Following those are Christian at 2.3%, Sikh at 1.9%, other at 1.8%, and unspecified at 0.1%.  (
  10. When did India achieve independence, and from what country? India achieved their independence on August 15th, 1947 from the UK. (

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