Monday, November 22, 2010

Moving On & Taking Some Notes

The Battle of the Billionaires: Indian vs. China
-1.35 Billion- China
-1.21 Billion- India
- 40% if the people in the world come from these two countries.
- Next in line U.S, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
- 1 Billion more people in the China than ^^(all)
- Both together are bigger than all of North& South American put together. Bigger Population than the entire western hemisphere
-Life Expectancy:
  73 years China
  64 years India
- They mostly live in rural areas. (C)55% & 70%  (I)
- China will soon be predominately urban possibly early as 2015
- North Korea are going to China. Bangladesh are going to India.
- 6 Children per woman (both) TFR.
- Now in China each may only have 1 child. Its not a law, but a policy. (suggestion)
- 1.8 compared to 2.8 per woman. China has gone down by 1.
- Both have more males than females
- Women have altra-sounds and have abortions sometimes if they do not get a boy
- India is growing faster than China at 1.4% vs. .6%
- In both its NOT illegal to have 2 children, but its a cultural thing to just have one. It is suggested.
- It IS illegal to have an abortion just because its a girl. You need to have a real reason.
- By 2020 there will be so many men that can't find wives.
- Both are going to drop under the TFR of 1.85 because there are to many people.
- There will be 400 million more people are in the next 4 decades(there)
- 2028 India is expected to have more people than China.
- China is expected to peak around 2032 at 1.46 billion (110 million people) & than drop.
- India has 17 million more people each year
- China has 8 million more people each year

Today in class we moved on to the next lesson. We took a lot of notes and learned more about China and India. We are going to be studying more about India.

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