Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What will be next? Did you know 3.0

     Today, in my Human Geography class we watched a video clip about how fast the world is moving. I thought it was fasinating that the world is progressing at such a fast rate. If the world is at this speed what will it be like in the future? Will there be flying cars or maybe even robots that serve our every need? No one really knows, but we do know that anything is possible. All of the changes have affects. Some will help us out and others may make things more difficult, but we will just have to take the back seat on this journey as time goes on. We can only imagine what will happen.
      In this video I learned that they are preparing men and women for jobs that don't even exist yet. There using technology that hasn't even been invented in order to solve problems that they don't know. It shows me that people are discovering new things every single day. In just a few short years everything can change. People are putting all the information they have and are trying to put it together. The world is moving at such a fast pace that they need to be jumping ahead. Things you learned your first year of college probably will be outdated the next year. How will I keep up? It will be difficult in my opinion. I will have to constantly update myself and continue to take in all that I can.
     In conclusion, it shows us that we will never know whats going to come next. There are some many intelligent minds working together. As the years continue to go on I am going see what the world offers me. I'm sure one day I will be sitting back reminiscing on my younger year. Time is going on and all i can ask is what will they come up with next?